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Conversation Between LlamaLlamaDuck and Adam the Fish
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 41
  1. LlamaLlamaDuck
    April 23rd 2013 09:46 PM - permalink
    Nah not really. I'd been on as a guest but didn't register till about six months after the site came back up. Why?
  2. Adam the Fish
    April 23rd 2013 08:53 PM - permalink
    Adam the Fish
    Were you on TH before the Reset?
  3. Adam the Fish
    April 2nd 2013 01:26 PM - permalink
    Adam the Fish
    Nah, the site is set up anyway so there's very little you'd have to do in what is a highly intuitive(-ish) backend. It's very detailed and complicated, but very easy to navigate and actually use. Joys of expensive vB software.

    I'll do drinks and dishwashers for £10...
    My Dad got me this awesome Thorntons egg (just got it!)...it's like, Banoffee Pie egg. It has banana and toffee in it and....mmm.

    I've suggested the Isle of Man, actually, because it was where I slammed my finger down on an Atlas, though if there's all that cool stuff there that I can suggest rather than "my finger said so" I might get somewhere.
    I wasn't just being polite. The scenery in Scotland is breathtaking. And my relatives live there.
    Midges, however, are the most disgusting things ever and I hate them. As for the water, it's heaven. In Wiltshire, we have some of the hardest water ever...going to Scotland, particularly the Highlands and just being able to sip water out of springs and off of waterfalls is...just pure delight.
    My sister is so weird - she dislikes the soft water. It's so good for skin as well, though.
    Nevertheless, there is more to the world than just Scotland.

    Old Georgy's a great pal of Mr. Cameron...he's that one that looks about 20 years older than he is (having looked 20 years younger before government, with the mental age and maturity of someone 20 years younger) and is in charge of ripping off the poor and enhancing his wealth. You know the one?
    I dislike him, he makes me unable to go to America. Or anywhere. Or go anywhere on holiday at all if if costs money.
  4. LlamaLlamaDuck
    April 2nd 2013 12:37 PM - permalink
    Bahaha but he'd have to train the person to do everything and be able to work all the extra buttons and such. Also, I believe the Officer (orange) positions are designed to ease Rob's workload and, in different ways, work alongside the PAs for some things. Still highly unlikely to happen.

    She really is. The year before she hid little plastic eggs and inside were notes like "Do a dance" "Make mum coffee" "Empty the dishwasher" so my brother and I were all "WTF " but the last egg had £10 in it so it was all good.

    That's awesome, and a much better reason to go than "I want to try the food" I want to visit New Zealand for the culture though, it's beautiful!
    You should totally try the Isle of Man. For a small island, it's got LOADS of museums and the history is so fascinating. Loads of stuff about giants, and there's a fairy bridge (if you don't say hello to them when you drive over, you'll have car trouble cause they don't like rude people) and it's just the most awesome place ever. We're getting the ferry over in August and it's just like.. the highlight of my year.
    You don't have to be polite, after 20 years I'm well aware that Scotland sucks. At least our tap water is drinkable, though. English water tastes weird and makes my hair all gross.

    ......Who's George Osbourne again? >.>
  5. Adam the Fish
    April 2nd 2013 12:31 PM - permalink
    Adam the Fish
    I don't think anyone would bother trying to do that to me, thankfully. They know it wouldn't work because of refuse to go.

    Well, we shall have to make him insane. Can't be too hard, I make people insane on a daily basis.
    But actually, I disagree that it's "totally never going to happen" simply because I think it should. In any case, the site used to have more than one Red name...so why can't there be another added (which would seem fair enough, easing Rob's massive workload) to replace the ones that have gone inactive and purple? Of course, you'd then get the access to all the PMs you've ever wanted to read (likely to the tune of being able to read every PM ever sent on the Site. ). How do we petition for this?
    Louise for PC!

    Your mother is amazing!
    Those messages about faith bring the religious element of Easter so much closer and to be so much more...relevant

    That does sound cool.
    My reason is wayyyyyyy more boring, because its probably more that the culture and differences interest me. And the novelty of actually going on holiday abroad. Or, for many parts of the US, going on holiday somewhere actually warmer and sunnier than here.
    (Our holiday planning generally goes - Mum: "Which part of Scotland this year?" Me: "France." Sister: "Urrrrrrggghhh!" Don't get me wrong, I do love Scotland...but I've already seen much of it and there are so many amazing, interesting and breathtaking places across the world, even still in different areas of the UK, that I'd really love to see)

    As my holiday is now interesting enough to have made me watch BBC News, how do you like George Osborne's wonderful plans for this year?
  6. LlamaLlamaDuck
    April 2nd 2013 11:27 AM - permalink
    I didn't get a choice. I actually came home one Sunday night to my mother going "Oh we've booked you a counsellor appointment for first thing Wednesday, I've got the day off, so I'll take you." How mean!

    Bahaha I wish! Totally never gonna happen, Rob would have to be completely insane!

    Nah thankfully after several litres of water and three trips to the bathroom per hour, it's finally just about cleared up.

    Ohhhhh! Sounds yummy! Last year the "easter bunny" (my mother - dad just leaves her to it) left us letters basically saying that other bunnies were invading his territory and trying to convert people to them, and asking us to remain faithful to him because he'd brought us chocolate for so many years. And along with chocolate she'd hidden things like a compact mirror from "Looking Good Bunny" and jelly sweets from "Who Needs Chocolate Bunny" It was so hilarious!

    I would too. My latest reason to go is that, apparently, in the Disney Stores there where they have people dressed like the Toy Story characters, if you shout "ANDY'S COMING!" they all collapse to the ground. Way too cool.
  7. Adam the Fish
    April 2nd 2013 12:40 AM - permalink
    Adam the Fish
    I am not going to go to a professional, I'm scared of what they might find.

    Do you not see what I'm suggesting? I think LlamaLlamaDuck would look lovely.

    I saw that actually; I hate Lemsip. Adding some honey might help if you have to have the drinks.

    I got two "big" eggs this year; normally it's more, but no-one can afford anything this year. I had my fun hunt though, always good. Creme Eggs...

    I should pitch it, but I don't fancy going to America.
    Actually I lie, I'd love to, but I can't. Nevermind.
  8. LlamaLlamaDuck
    April 1st 2013 11:58 PM - permalink
    Bahaha CONFUSION.

    I generally find (from personal experience and stories from others) that if a professional considers you "normal" then you probably do need some kind of help. I had a psych person actually say the words "Yes, this sounds like symptoms of Schizophrenia to me. Do you ever worry that the government are trying to steal your thoughts? No? Ah, you'll probably get over it. Come back in 4 months." He was an ass.

    I don't wanna lose my PA position. I was so SICK of being a mod and having to wait for a PA to do something because I couldn't. Now I can do it ALL. (almost)

    Bahahah lucky for you! I've barely touched mine because I've had a really bad cold and just not felt up to chocolate binges.
    Creme Egg. Though, the creme part isn't as gooey as it used to be so I don't like them as much. But I don't like caramel much either. Give me Lindt Balls any day.
    Cadbury used to do "snowflakes" which was a white flake but in a milk chocolate casing, a bit like a Twirl. It was sooooo good.

    My brother and I ended up with 19 eggs (including like chocolate bunnies and jelly chicks) each (my parents buy them right as they start selling because they're so cheap and always end up overdoing it. ) We'll be eating chocolate until Christmas. But my mum always hides them for us so we get to hunt for them and it's a lot of fun. She sits and laughs at us like "There's a REALLY obvious one you've missed!"
    Bit of a long one there - sorry!
  9. Adam the Fish
    April 1st 2013 09:27 PM - permalink
    Adam the Fish
    #Harry's Harrys taste of Harrys...#
    Wait, what?

    Sarcasm and Paranoia describe many of the people I like best; plus, you are far less mad than I am.

    I've thought of another way if you don't want to get fired. You'll still have to cease your role as PA though. Guess what my new plan might be?
    (I think it's very good and, unlike the last one, should actually happen)

    I have got lots of yummy things, though I fear I've eaten too many of them. But nevermind, feeling bloated is worth it for the chocolatey taste.
    Important question: Creme Egg or Caramel Egg?
    I think Cadbury should have Dream and Bourneville eggs also...what did you get?
  10. LlamaLlamaDuck
    April 1st 2013 08:48 PM - permalink
    Laura (Harlequin.) sent me the link for The Harry Song on here, it's hilarious. Did you ever see a Harry kiss a Harry on the Harry, something Harry something Harry, Harry Harry RON.

    In parental terms I mean. You don't know everything yet. I'm very sarcastic, paranoid, and LOVE hugs and being cuddled. I drive most people mad, so congrats on still holding a conversation with me.

    Nope. I got nothing. What is it?

    I'm not getting fired just so I can read a PM. It took me nearly 3 years to get to this position.

    Happy Easter to you too! Did you get lots of yummy things?
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