Conversation Between Lifesucks143 and bayhorse321
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 90
for what reason? I want to know please?
that would be awesome! Hey I know I have a cabin in OCALA!!!!! lets go!!! and I know but lately it seems like it is the only option for me to be free.
He wanted to for a different reason...I told him not to.
Ok. I wish that we could get away for a few days some how. I wish we were old enough to go to a hotel for like 3 days in some random place and just try to enjoy "us" for a few days. SUICIDE ISN'T AN Option.
Wait what? He wants to make a page? Confusion... That would be awkward.
I was thinking that he did was he was saying he was going to do but I don't think it's him.
Idk anymore. I have to change something. I can't keep feeling like suicide is my only way out. I have to take control. Yes that is what i mean
You never know... Wait Terry doesn't live in canada!
Do you think if you got rid of some "stress" it would help? And what do you mean? Like if you stop doing moo would I want to? Sure?