Conversation Between leavemealone and Disneygirl94
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
hey, the other day when you texted me if I sounded cold or anything it was nothing personal towards you what so ever I thought it was nice of you to send that and like a couple days later I felt bad cuz I thought I sounded cold but just know that it was nothing towards you at all and I'm sorry if it did.
OMG the time on here is two hours early. Not cool.
No i didn't haha, i just logged on
You bad girl! You went online during school!!! :P I'M TELLINNGG THE TEACHERRR.
not nice hehehe
Don't worry about it. We can get through anything. Nothing can break us, we may have our fights and disagreements but we can always get through it. I love you so much.