Conversation Between lauren_160 and Fieryfxcker
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
hahaa... badly.
like my mum went insane.
her boyfriend thinks im pathetic.
and my dad doesnt know...
Oh man,
thats awful,
how did your parents react?
yeah they discovered it on my arms in games like... almost 7 years ago now.
my 'friends' did. they kinda beat me up...
Hmm yeah i was supposed to today but got a bit worked up,
People found out the hard way?
Awww. I suggest writing a note, and then asking to speak in private.
People found out the hard way from me.
Well thats good=]
Im a bit confused haha
trying to work up the courage to tell my history teacher after 5 years of cutting (N)
good day?
and i guess im okay. how are you
Hey, I'm Lauren, i just posted on your thread
I was just wondering how you are?