Conversation Between lauren_160 and CoffeeAddict
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 24 of 24
Yay, you gotta love screaming kids lol. I haven't been up to too much, uni just started back so 70% of my time is spent studying. The rest of my time is spent working and going clubbing with my friends. How have you been lately?
i'm okay thanks, i've got so much work to do today anddd it's my neices birthday, so i've got to go to a little party of sceaming kids and jelly and ice cream mmm lol
Been up to much?xx
Hiya! I'm Steph
Mmmm yea, coffee rocks, I can't function without it! lol
Anyways, thanks for the random hello
Oh and I'm actually doing rather good atm, how are you?
Just a random hello, because i'm drinking coffee and saw your name ><
I'm Lauren
How are you?