Conversation Between Laura Love and xxJesus_Freakxx <3
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haha, true.
i never do, i blame it on being 90% irish (:
yeah, it's not but I usually just ignore it or argue back.
doesn't bother me!
I have better control over my anger today, haha who knows how it might be tomorrow.
And I'm glad no one has gotten mad at your blog. I hope they don't either, cause that's not fun to deal with.
haha, well you have better control over your anger than I do.
kudos. (:
Yes, it made me feel tons and tons better.
thankfully mine hasn't angered anybody [:
Haha, I almost did that too but I decided not to. I didn't want anyone else being like RAWR at you and your opinion. So I wrote another blog about something else that was bothering me, haha,
But I understand where you are coming from. Did the Blog make you feel better atleast?
i get really angry about that stuff.
i actually had to write a blog on myspace to cool down, haha.
Oh no I'm not confused at all.
Your opinion fit mine and my moms well, haha.
your welcome.
if your confused about the post in thee obama thread (: