I went into chat and you went off

So now im gonna have to write it here ok
Hey- we haven't talked in a few days and I want to know
1) how things went with your teeth
crap, it hurt a lottttttttttttttttttt
2) how things went with the cheesecake
I didnt make it, I stayed at home instead
3) how you are feeling emotionally
4) when you are going to show me your collage
As soon as my phone lets me upload it onto the internet!!
5) if your mentor knows about how much you've been cutting
Nope, she doesnt even know that I self harm
6) why you think you're worthless, stupid, etc.
because its true?
7) when we can meet in chat and talk
As soon as you come online
How are things for you? Still doing ok or no? <3333333 xxxxxxd