Conversation Between JyeScarecrow and MegaMadness
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Hello, umm.. it's been a while.
Icame here for help, and havent returned... not lost but, not found, screwed up, that sorta stuff. but i'd like to help around here, and get help when necessary.
i dont know much what's going on with the site, it's been down for a day a while ago. so i came and i saw this message, so i thought i'd ask you, where do i go from here and how can i help.
umm sorry for the messy format of messaging, its late where i am and, frankly i'm a bit too lazy and tired to be formal, really sorry, hope this doesnt affect anything
Hey there and welcome to TeenHelp!
I'm Megan and I'm a Buddy here. That means I help newcomers around the site.
I encourage you to introduce yourself in the Arrivals and Departures forum so that everyone else can welcome you. I'd also take a look at the stickied threads in that same forum. If you are feeling social, check out the chatroom. It is a great place to hang out.
Feel free to PM me or another Buddy, a user in with a lime green username, and we will be happy to help you. 
I promise I don't bite, unless it's a day ending in y.