Hey! How are you?
My name is Hollie and I'm a Community Mentor here. I wanted to just say welcome to TeenHelp! It's so great you're here and I hope you'll love it here as much as I do. There are lots of features on offer here, such as the support forums where you can reach out to the other members for help with a range of problems, as well as introduce yourself in the
Arrivals and Departures forum. If you fancy it, why not let us know you're here?
There are also less public ways to access support, such as through LiveHelp which you can find towards the top of the page. This offeres a one-to-one, instant messenger support system with a volunteer, and it's always really helpful.
If you want to talk, or have any questions, feel free to send me a message whenever you like. I'm always happy to chat to someone new! I hope you're doing well!