Well, I'm doing fine. I'm at home right now since I have Wednesdays off every week, while I should be doing my homework, I cannot get any further
You're welcome

Gezelligheid is a Dutch word (I'm from the Netherlands myself) and pretty much means sociability or comeradeness or something of the sort. (Just explaining because I didn't explain what that word means, my apologies)
My life is going so-so. On one hand it's going good with me. I am busy with getting my second IT degree in college (MBO level 4, I got my level 3 diploma last year) and I mostly fill my weekends with my girlfriend. On the other hand, I'm struggling to find a side job (I'm searching, but I don't have a drivers license yet (Am doing driving lessons myself) so my reach is limited at the time) and I sometimes compare myself too much with my girlfriend or other people which depresses me (I'm working on that as well). It feels my life is kind of in a standstill because I feel less motivated nowadays
I'm not much of a reader myself, but your books seem cool, do you have any ideas on your next book?