That sounds awful. To be honest, I feel pathetic because nothing much has happened to me to excuse it... I mean, I started feeling a bit down when my parents were arguing a lot and when I had an ankle injury that stopped me doing sports... I know it sounds strange but sport was somerthing that I enjoyed and I used to do something every day so it was a bit part of my life. Ummmmm my parents split up, I was self harming, my sister developed OCD and an eating disorder..... My dad was aggressive and occassionally violent to me/mysisters/mum. I was sexually assualted in a very mild way... I fell out with all my friends pretty much and then my grandma died and I just lost it really. I've been self harming for 2 and a half years now and I tried to commit suicide. Lately Im finding it really hard because I fell out with one of my last few friends and it was a really messy thing and she was awful to me and its hard to explain, she was never a great friend to start with and it all got me down, I had a breakdown in schoool........ then I have just recently left school and I am finding it hard to deal with because it was somewhere I felt safe and secure; if I was upset or anything I knew where to go/what to do and there were people there looking out for me. My mentor at school was really special to me and helped me sosososo much but now I've left I won't see her.
God I have rambled a lot lot lot. I dunno, all that stuff it sounds like quite a bit but its not as bad as I make out, I didn't even feel that upset about it.
ANYWAYYYYYYYY, I think you should take the anti depressants because I always say to people that its worth a try and if they dont work out you can always come off them again. On the plus side though, they could really improve your life which has gotta be worth it. As for the making you feel worse thing, I reckon that yeah it can get worse for a few weeks but when they kick in it should help a lot. That's just my opinion though, obviously