I must confess, I had to google this. I couldn't think of a verse, but the one that popped up was really one I should've known. Ah well. It's not a chapter, only a verse.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. (Proverbs 3:5 NRSV).
It's basically saying trust in God, even when you don't understand. There will be times when someone will shove an argument in your face or provide some convincing 'evidence' and it's gonna hurt your faith a notch. You gotta trust Him even during those times.
But how can one trust God if they're not sure He's even real?
You kinda just do it. Like the Nike logo. It's a risk, sure, but I guess that's what comes with faith. A belief in something you can't see or even scientifically prove. Leap of faith? Risk? They're intertwined.
This is not a Bible story, but it illustrates a point well. It's a story about a mountain-climber who climbs alone up a mountainside, but slips and falls. The climber's rope stops his fall, so he stays suspended in the air. While hanging there he surrenders to God and asks, "What do you want me to do?" God says, "Let go of the rope."
But the climber refuses. He was afraid.
The next morning they find a frozen mountain-climber clinging to a rope, two feet above the ground.
For me, the little things keep my faith up when I doubt. Impossible coincidences. People I meet. People I've loved. Little, itty-bitty things that may not be significant to anyone else but me. The big things are worth mentioning, like how much my life has changed since meeting Jesus, but for some reason the little things seem to do it better...I'm not sure why.
So to conclude, I hope my disjointed ramblings have helped you. And yes, read that Bible. I strongly encourage it. I couldn't think of a chapter that deals with that topic specifically.
Are you just starting to read the Bible? If so, I would like to suggest where to start, but honestly, I don't know where would be best. You could start at the very beginning with Genesis and read on through, or you could start with the New Testament. Though if you start with the New Testament, there may be things you wouldn't get. Actually, scratch that. I started with the Old Testament and still didn't understand all of the NT.
Ask God.
I want to warn you, if you do start with the OT, there will be a part where God lays down the law, and it's a lot of rules. The NT helps make sense of of all that...Don't do what I did. I tried to follow the rules. Failed miserably. But that's why Jesus came to save us and to establish the New Covenant. The Old Covenant is the foreshadowing to the the new one.
I'm not saying break the rules because Jesus died for you. No. I'm saying...Oh, this is somewhere in the New Testament. Perhaps one of Paul's writings. He explains a lot very well.
And if you already know all this, and I'm 'preaching to the choir,' then good for you. I just don't want you doing my mistakes. If I'd suggest where to start now, I'd say New Testament. Anyway...I hope this helped.
God bless you Jess.
- Collies R Us
PS: Did you see that? I rhymed.