Conversation Between JadaGabriella and Ancora Imparo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
Hey Jada,
I see that you're new to the site so I thought that I'd drop you a quick message to say welcome to TeenHelp! My name is Jake, I'm a Buddy here and it's very nice to meet you!
I think it would be a really good idea for you to create a thread in our Arrivals and Departures forum to introduce yourself to the other members and let them know a little bit about yourself because from reading a bit about you in your about me section I think there would be quite a few other members that you would have things in common with.
If you're ever in need of any help or would like somebody to talk to then feel free to either PM or VM me at any time as I'm always more than happy to talk or help out when I can do so.
I hope to see you around soon,