Conversation Between itzz.casper and Jade02
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
What Im speakin the truth
*growls* grrr................
Everyone deserves a second chance. He doesnt have anyone else to belive in him, but I do. I see an angel askin for forgivness and thats what Im gonna do. Wether u like it or not.
Just because. Ur tryin to get over tayler, which Im really proud. Ur tryin to move on with a bad boy, Colton. Colton has a bad jail recored and smoking addiction. U also have the smoking addiction. He is alson addicted to sex, and he is bout to be 17 and ur only 13. Im afraid if u hang out with him, ur gonna be like him. Thats what I dont want.
Why are u worried about me?
sisy, its complicated Im more worried about u