Conversation Between itzz.casper and abbygarcia673
Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 198
Im insane. Breath in and out and ask for a pair of headphones. Ask Hunter.
no my demons are telling me to do stuff . i am going insane. help me
Find more headphones, I have my friends, I NEED MY FXCKIN HEADPHONES! AND MY SCISSORS!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am going to start crying they are all talking and arguing and my demons are trying to take over
um my 9/10 there may or may not be a fight and she knows my records, and doesnt trust meh
whyyyyyyyyyyy tylee still has my headphones and i am going crazy
Thelma took all my scissors, my headphones, my earings (Taylers) my needle, and Tylee's neckalce and my bracelt ._.