Conversation Between itsDIEagain and Gidig
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Wow,i dont really know what to say.Excuse my english if its pretty bad,but someone actually remembered my birthday.I was going to kill myself on my 18th birthday but now i missed that chance.I see your from canada,well my parents are moving there and we will be there in less than the end of the year.Mabey i can just really find some good doctors there to help me out and stuff.Btw,tahnks again for remembering my birtday thats if this is not some automated response in which case im making a huge fool out of myself.If you are indeed real,thanks alot man.
Hey! Welcome to TeenHelp. =)
I'm not entirely sure what you're username is saying, but if you need any help at all, as I see you've already found our forums for advice and support, and you can always feel free to PM me.
We have some pretty cool features on the site besides for our forums (which are awesome too of course) but I thought I'd point out our blogs. Personally, I think journaling is one of the best ways to just get what you're thinking out into text or something of the sort. Blogs are the perfect place to do that. Then people can comment if you allow that option.
If you have any questions about anything on the site, or see something you're not quite sure about, me or any other buddy would be more than willing to help you out. =)