Conversation Between irrele and MagicPickles
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Well, I feel as if no one cares about me anymore. When I was child my mom would beat me, and my dad left. Now it;s really taking a lot of me. It makes me not want to live anymore, knowing that no one loved me from the start. So why would anyone now? I just understand what I ever did to live in this hell. I kknow I probably sound whiney, but to help the pain, I'll self harm. I've been in and out of mental hospitals, but they never seem to work. They work for about week, after I was discharged, but now, I'm just back to my old ways, and I don'[t just don't know what do anymore.. No one cares about me, no one understands. I just doin't know what to do. So I came here, hoping someone could help..