Conversation Between i_like_black and lauri
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
Dude, get in control of yourself. Seriously. Sort your shit out, or you're never going to get to where you want to be.
I crashed and slept 15 hours last night and that means Ill only be up for about 6 hours. omg whats wrong with me and tomorrow I have to see my therapist at like 1 or something and I dont know if Ill be able to wake up that early ill be so tired. I have no clue why Im sleeping so long so much Im sleeping more than Im awake.
When you work, people see you eight hours every day. That's half of your waking hours. People will notice very quickly.
Then ill fake it , Im good at that sorta act like i have it all together when i dont
Nobody's going to hire a therapist who can't even take care of herself. Plain and simple.
I can take care of others but not me. Ill admit no i dont know who or what i am going ot be like in about 3 years or so when i become a therapist but if i am the same yeah ill be pretty mest up probably go to work drunk and shit and probably still cut but then again i could stop but yeah i can take care of other people its me that i cant
Part of being responsible for yourself is taking your meds when you're supposed to. Clearly you aren't ready to be responsible for yourself, and if you can't be responsible for yourself, how are you going to be responsible for others?
no defintyly no excuse . but you got to take into concideration im a little hyper right now bec i didnt take my pill but any ways I WILL BE ONE OF THOSE THERAPSIT AND ALSO LOVE THEM AND HAVE COMPASSION FOR THEM .
Then you have to start behaving how a therapist would behave. A GOOD therapist, not just one who you idealise or idolise. Someone who actually teaches people how to cope. You have to act like one of those therapists.
Stop using your disorders as excuses. I have disorders as well, I am still in control of my behaviour, and so are you.