Conversation Between havehopeyourbeautiful and Zeta
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 43
i went home and now i aint going home this sarvo
Oh, I hope you're alright. Stay strong, okay?
i am back !!!!!!!!!! and she hit me
You could get hurt there, I'd rather you be with your mom than out on the street. What will she do to you if you go back?
i have tried all my friends !!! and i dont have a place to stay i am sleeping on the street
Do you at least have a place to stay? You're not out on the street, are you? You really need to find a place to stay, I don't want anything bad happening to you. :/ Is there a friend you can call that won't tell your parents if you don't feel safe there? They might understand your situation.
no i am not n i cant go anywhere with friends !!!! coz they will call mum
You don't feel safe at home? Why not? I just want to make sure you're in a safe place where you are and that you're alright.
I'd imagine that your friend and family are worried. Don't you want to go back?