Conversation Between funkygirl and Jazzz
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
Hey Jaz,
My name is JB and due to being sick (yay H1N1) I was unable to think with clarity. I joined TeenHelp mostly because I am a teen mentor myself. My roommate suggested that I join, as she strongly believes in you guys and that I would be an asset to you. I hope that we can get to know one another better and that I may be of service to others in their posts.
rock on,
Hi there,
Thought i would drop by and *wave* and let you know you have a very funky name
also to tell you a few things about the site, my names Jaz and im one of the staff members that can be found around TeenHelp, any of us will be happy to answer any of you're questions and help you make the most out of TeenHelp. If i direct out to Obtaining Advice and Support you should find all the many things TeenHelp has to offer with obtaining support, arivals and departures is also a good place to drop in and say Hi.
Take care