Conversation Between ForeverAutumn* and flyingpancake
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 28
My day was pretty good...went to choir, etc. ^^ What about you, anything interesting happen?
Argh. It snowed all day Wednesday and they didn't cancel school. >.>
Lol. How was your day?
Very true. ^^ It is here too, I believe, but they still are thinking of cutting down. I have no complaints. ^^
Here, it's a state law that we have to be in school 180 days.
It's stupid. Then again, most school systems are stupid anyway 
Oh, seriously?! That sucks! But did you hear that they're cutting days off the school year due to the budget anyway?
Oh no, not the powdery stuff! It's taking over the world. So sad.
They're taking away our spring break if we have too many more snow days.
Ugh, I hope not, cuz I'm pretty sick of it! -.- It was raining, and all nice, and happy, and then it turned into that powdery wet white cold stuff. -.- But anyway! What's up with you?
Hi hi. [: How are you? As sick of snow as I am atm? 
That's the point, we couldn't!!! We'd all probably be eaten by the mutant cacao bean/venus flytrap death traps! Eaten alive!!! T.T
The horror!
How could we ever live in a world with mutated cacao bean plants?!