Conversation Between ForeverAutumn* and Naomi.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 108
Bahaha no.
Oh when mine found out they went psyco, crying, banning me from the internet [it never happened], threatening to sleep in my room all night so i couldn't do it [that didin't happen either], threatening to take my phone away [didin't happen], saying they would take me to the doctor [didn't happen] etccccc. Fun stuff!
Yippeeeeeeeeeeee. <3
When my mum found out about my sh and such she called me dysfunctional.
Your mum has nothing to be ashamed of though, she should be proud to have such an amazing daughter!
They know nothing.
My Mums ashamed, she hasn't even told my brother I have counselling, every time I take time off school she just writes doctors.
C'est la vie! <3
They aren't supportive? :/
Honestly anyone you have to pretend around totallyy isn't worth your time.
Yeah but not with Mum's family around haha xD <3
Haha, same. Maybe it's better not to pretend though.. gotta face things sooner or later I guess. Ah well, that's life, eh..
Just feel pretttty crap.
I don't really do very well at the whole lets-be-sociable-and-fake-a-smile-and-pretend-the-world-is-perfect thing, it tends to tire me out after a day or so.
How're you? <3
Ahh bearable's better than nothing s'pose.. what's wrong?
It's bearable I guess.
I'm just bleh atm
Haha, are you enjoying the time though? =P