Conversation Between ForeverAutumn* and MadPoet
Showing Visitor Messages 91 to 100 of 152
lol, that'd be a tad bit annoying. What if you'd already replied to it?
There has to be a minimum of three replies before it goes to 'overdue' status. It used to be if a request didn't have three replies after 18 hours, all mentors online wouldn't be able to access the forums until it had three replies [unless you had already replied to it]. Kind of glad that's not there anymore. 
It's tempting to simply sit here for hours and wait for a request, isn't it? xD
I can't wait till there's a bunch of one. I'm pretty sure more than one person Mentor can reply to a request, can't they?
I'm still getting used to the new HL, lol. The old setup was a lot different.
I'm debating whether or not to stare at the panel until a request comes in. 
Insomniacs do rule the world, as far as I'm concerned. 
And awesome, that makes it even cooler.
I had a look around in HL, it's pretty darn awesome 
Insomniacs should rule the world, lol. At least if there was some 2am crisis we wouldn't have to worry about anyone sleeping through it. 
Yeah, former LHOs can still use LH so long as we make sure our requirements for HelpLINK are met first. [:
So many amazing things in the world would not have happened if it weren't for the insomniacs 
And I know, neither can I, now. Do you know if LHO's who became Mentors can still go into LH occasionally to?
I think I caught it about a half hour after actually.
Gotta love insomnia, eh?
I can't wait until it's officially online. xP
Yeah, I remembered you telling me about HL and how it was better, and I thought that I'd give it a try instead. & Wow, you were quick
You must have seen it in the forum almost the second he posted it. xD
About three or four hours...I messaged Rob at about 3am this morning, as soon as I saw HL was back up.
HL is a lot like the forums, it's pretty fun. I just find LH very draining, which is why I chose to switch.