Conversation Between FastForward2012 and wonderbread
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 28
Ehh. Usually i'm like "Ahhh my yearbook!" but I guess I could make an exception 
Hey there little one.
I was wondering if you would be willing to give up your yearbook first period so I could write in it. I would give it back to you on the way to second of course. Because the way Im thinking about it is, I get there to school in the morning, usually minutes before the bell rings and I wouldnt have enough time to write.
Oh. Well I hope it works out this time 
I will have to wait two more months, I was denied the day you applied 
Im fine with waiting. I think I need to still prove myself to TH that I won't make any mistakes, like with what happened before if I become green.
Why thank you
*hugs back*
Now its your turn to be green.
Aw sis I just noticed you were green. I am really happy for you
Thats what I'm here for
1)To cheer you up
2)Make you smile
3)Kick guys and girls arses
Aw Thanks
I would kick it too
That part made me smile
Aw big sissss. I'm sooo sorry. Atleast he was honest.=/
You shouldn't be mad at yourself. It wasn't your fault. Us humans unfortunately aren't born with the gift of reading minds.
You know what though,sis? You take this and you learn from it. It'll be okay. *big hugggggg*
p.s. i'd kick his arse if he lived down here 
Hey sis.
Tonight just wasn't a good night....
Me and Nick talked for the very last time tonight and I found out that he didn't love me at all. He told me " I was more in love with the idea of having a relationship, not you. I thought I loved you but it was the relationship its self. Don't blame me"
....I am really mad at myself I feel so stupid.... All the things that I did.