Conversation Between FastForward2012 and taking_c0ntr0l
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
Torence is such a pretty name. I'm jealous.
You're welcome
Thats all you can do,really.
One of my favorite quotes is "Just because today is a bad day, doesn't mean that tomorrow won't be the best day of your life. You just gotta get there".
Well it says that but just in different words,I think.
You get the idea though. haha.
nooo problem at all.
and thank you!
yes, i'm trying my hardest. day by day hehe
im here for you as well! =]
nice to meet you Gina!
i'm Torence x
First off, Thank you so much.
Secondly, Congratulations
I'm very proud of you.
And I hope that you stay strong as well.
I'm always here for you
I'm Gina,btw.
i just saw your signature and i wanted to tell you that its so great that you've been able to go soo long without SHing. today's my 216th day, and i know how tough the road to healing is. stay strong and keep it up!!