Conversation Between FastForward2012 and leftinthedarkXxX
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
hey ! long time no talk
how have you been?
i know.
it hurts, but you have to move on i guess...
and thanks for the advicee
Aw I'm sorry.
Losing friends is the worst.
Especially losing your best friends.
But you know what?
Life goes on.
You accept it, and find new friends.
There are plenty out there.
Hang in there
just like rumors about me and stuff, and like people pissing me off. im losing too many friends.
i kind of wish i was a little kid again so my parents could protect mee
I'm doing quite well,for once. Life has been treating me well lately, so I am happy
What kind of drama?
aw. thanks, see this is what i love about htis website, everyone is willing to help, even they just met (:
and im just trying to get through sooo much drama in my life, and make it through highschool.
I thought I replied, but I guess not. haha.
Whats going on?
I'd love to help. 
i love your advice (:"please message me sumtime. i really need the help