Conversation Between FastForward2012 and Kryptonite
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 51
Yes you are.
You're the meanest person in the world!
Worse then Hitler!
*cries in corner*
I'm not mean.

Hey now,don't be mean.
Like I said, haven't been on the computer.
I would be on it now,but I'm getting off in 5 minutes.
So there ya go.
I will tomorrow if I can
I've been okay.
So, hey, when you are at the computer, you aren't okay?
Just okay?
Busy. Well,not really. But taking me time. Its wierd,when I'm happy,I don't want to go on the computer. So yeah.
I've been okay.
Where have you beeeeen?
Haha Sweeeeet.
So how have you been?
I did it.