Conversation Between FallonRose and _suffering24_
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Happy birthday!

hello! thanks for making me feel so welcomed and yes in fact, i do need some family just found out about my self harm and they totally flipped. my dad punched me, my mum kept screaming,my sister kept crying. overall it was disastrous day. it was two days ago though, now my family is normal again but my parents are sending me to a therapist. my dad took away my phone, my charger and all that but he forgot my laptop (that's how I'm typing this) i don't really want to go to a therapist because i'm not one to have deep conversations about my emotional life with a stranger.
Welcome to TeenHelp! My name is Fallon and I'm a Live Help Mentor here!
Send me a PM anytime you have a question or need someone to talk to! I hope you have a great day/night