Conversation Between faithunderfire and justlikeme0
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
Hey faithunderfire,
I’m Dani. I just noticed that you are new around here and I thought I would drop by and explain a little about the site.
First off, I’m a buddy. You can tell that by noticing my lime green username. Anyone with lime green usernames are buddies and they are here to help whenever you ask. So don’t be shy.
Next, I just want to say that I noticed you haven’t introduced yourself yet. A great way to kick off your post count is to introduce yourself in the Arrivals and Departures Forum.
After you have done that, feel free to start exploring the site (if you haven’t already). TeenHelp is a really great place. I would check out the Chat Room. Its so much fun. You can meet new people, get some advice, join a Facilitated Chat (on scheduled times), or just burn some of your boredom away.
Other than that, all I have to say is that I hope to see you around the site. Feel free to VM me anytime.
Have a great day
-Dani =)