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Conversation Between Eyes on Fire-Xx and Allons-y!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. Eyes on Fire-Xx
    June 30th 2010 03:02 AM - permalink
    Eyes on Fire-Xx
    yeah, like torch wood was a company in doctor who and got its own seires, somthin like that :3 and i love shakespear and David Tennant, so ill definantly have to see that XP
  2. Allons-y!
    June 30th 2010 01:14 AM - permalink
    Oh, and you should totally check out the version of Hamlet that David Tennant was just in. It. Is. BRILLIANT. Even if you don't like Shakespeare at all, he makes it so good.
  3. Allons-y!
    June 30th 2010 01:13 AM - permalink
    I'm hoping for a human Doctor + Rose spinoff. They've got such a golden opportunity! It wouldn't even have to be a series in itself. It could be like...the occasional special or something.
  4. Eyes on Fire-Xx
    June 29th 2010 03:48 AM - permalink
    Eyes on Fire-Xx
    yay, im not creepy! X3 i hope David show up more in other stuff now, cause there better be a good reson for him leaving DW
  5. Allons-y!
    June 29th 2010 03:32 AM - permalink
    Oh my god, I can so relate. I have a TON of Tennant/Doctor Who pictures on my walls.
  6. Eyes on Fire-Xx
    June 29th 2010 02:20 AM - permalink
    Eyes on Fire-Xx
    yeah, i allways seem to miss the most important ones too. I just love DT i gots pictures of him on my wall. creepy? maybe. Matt Smith is good, but, he dosnt allways act how the doctor should act :/
  7. Allons-y!
    June 26th 2010 01:18 AM - permalink
    Me too. DVR is soooo saving my butt this season. I totally agree with you. It's like...there's nothing like David Tennant. Matt Smith is good and all, but he can't touch DT.
  8. Eyes on Fire-Xx
    June 26th 2010 12:58 AM - permalink
    Eyes on Fire-Xx
    Yep! but iv missed a couple episodes, but ill watch them eventualy. i miss David Tennant tho :c the new guy is good, but David was amazing :c
  9. Allons-y!
    June 24th 2010 10:01 PM - permalink
    Oh god yes. And Straylight Run, of course, but Doctor Who is a FAR greater obsession. Are you watching season five?
  10. Eyes on Fire-Xx
    June 24th 2010 04:48 PM - permalink
    Eyes on Fire-Xx
    Haha, i take it you, too, are a fan of the doctor? :P
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