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Conversation Between Everglow. and Troubled_Heart
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 348
  1. Troubled_Heart
    December 30th 2011 12:38 PM - permalink
    It's literally an interview with the mighty Craig Alcock
    Yes the guy who is my profile pic
    He supports Middlesbrough and we play them away tomorrow. (im not going too expensive)
    He played them with his old team (Yeovil) in the cup and got hammered
    Playing them with his new club (posh) and has more chance.
    Clean sheet is letting 0 goals in and we've only had 2 this season (and in a row)
    They do interviews when the people support the team or used to play for them
    I literally worship that guy
  2. Everglow.
    December 30th 2011 12:35 PM - permalink
    You're welcome.
    I'm terrible with understanding sports so you may have to explain.
  3. Troubled_Heart
    December 30th 2011 12:18 PM - permalink
    Yeah I have to schools applied for But that one's my first choice...
    And thanks for the confidence
    Made me SO hyper
    He's my favourite!!!!
  4. Everglow.
    December 30th 2011 12:16 PM - permalink
    Ohh right. Well, all you can do is try and work hard, eh? You should apply to colleges too though to expand your options. I'm sure you'll do great.
  5. Troubled_Heart
    December 30th 2011 12:11 PM - permalink
    We need 4 B's and 3 C's minimum. You have to have an A in maths if you want to do it and you have to have the same in 2 sciences to do just 1 of them. I want to do maths, physics, rs and chem so I need an A in maths, physics and chem and I want one in rs.. It's tough but hey...
  6. Everglow.
    December 30th 2011 12:08 PM - permalink
    Ouch! That's a pretty high requirement. For my sixth form we needed 5 A*-C including maths and english if we wanted to do level 3 courses, but you could retake maths and english in the sixth form.
  7. Troubled_Heart
    December 30th 2011 11:59 AM - permalink
    To get into 6th form I have to have an A in Maths
    I have to re-take until I get an A...
    Which is horrible...
    Also takes pressure off the MEGA hard test...
  8. Everglow.
    December 30th 2011 11:50 AM - permalink
    Why do you have to have an A? You can only do as well as you can hun. Try as hard as you can and even if you come out of it with a B or a C you know you've tried. <3
  9. Troubled_Heart
    December 30th 2011 10:25 AM - permalink
    Yup... I'm meant to be ok at science but I'm really not
    Haha I haven't a clue about proliferation...
    Thanks... But I have to have an A... And I think I have a B or C
  10. Everglow.
    December 29th 2011 02:36 PM - permalink
    Ohh good luck! I hate science.
    My mocks weren't too bad I guess, but it wont be the same questions. You know when you get a feeling that you know what will come up..because you don't know anything about it? Yep..media will be bad. If proliferation comes up..i'm dead. And I think it will.
    Good luck with everything, and your results. I'm sure it wasn't too bad.
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