At least you met a friend. I wouldn't say its social suicide at my school, people don't really turn their backs on other people if they're friends with the less popular people like me, but most people stick to their own groups. I mean, I talk to a few people in certain subjects, science for example, and one of the girls I sit with is nice and we chat but she's in a whole other legue. She's popular, she's pretty, she's not a virgin, she smokes, drinks, pretty sure takes drugs too. While there's me, I'm the complete opposite too all of those things. Yet we chat. Outside of those classes, she wouldn't say two words to me. We just have a school full of two faced people

Yeah thats how I feel in English and I don't think I did well. I'm not sure if I'll get my C. It depends on whether my teacher thought it through enough to give in my other hand written piece because I forgot to give her the one I took home to do. Hopefully she thought of that though, we get along so she should be nice enough to tipex out her comments for me

I'd love an A. I'm capable of it.
Aww, you'll make new friends! People are usually more socially accepting after high school, so you should be fine. Uni will be amazing. I can't wait. Just need to target my hear of talking to people before I go

Exams on your birthday? Ouch...