Hi there! Welcome to TeenHelp. I'm Hollie, a buddy here (we're the users with the lime green names, we'll bug you a lot and ask you if you need any help a lot, we're a bit like that), so if you need anything at all, feel free to let me know.
Since your username has whovian in it, I assume you're a whovian like me?
If so, awesome, let's be friends.
If not, let's be friends anyway, because I like people. I read your blog and I'm glad you came here and hope you can get the help you deserve from us. We're a wonderful community of really understanding people and I have no worries that you'll fit right in! I noticed that you haven't got any replies though. Blogs are a wonderful way of using the site, especially as they double up as a diary. I don't get many replies myself, but the forums are a great way to let people know you're here as people check them far more frequently. There's a forum called the Arrivals and Departures forum which might suit what you wrote in your blog a bit better. It's a place for new members, like yourself, and returning old members to let people know they're here, or for regulars, or not regulars, to say goodbye when they leave. You might feel better posting in there as people will read it, get to know you a bit and know to look out for you in the future. Also, you'll get to meet some members that already use the site, and that's also good!
Anyway, I hope everything is okay. I know you haven't been in in a few days, but I hope you do come back and check in! If you do, feel free to reply and we can chat sometime, since I'd be happy to get to know you a bit. Remember that if you need anything at all, I'm also happy to help with that too.
Take care!