Oooh I see. That SOUNDS like a lot of hard work!

Good luck with it! What subjects is it that you're taking alongside philosophy?
I've heard philosophy is really hard. My cousin and friend take it, and they said that after a lesson they come out feeling 'heavier' due to the stuff they do in it. It's an interesting subject by the sounds of things though, and I'm glad you like it.

PSychology is great. One of my favourites this year. It's a lot to remember but you can apply it to real life and I love that!
Good luck with your result then! IT will be hard but I'm sure you can do it.

The good thing about doing badly at things is that you can always get better in the future. My ehad of sixth form told us that in order to succeed you need to fail first. SO even though you hated your GCSEs, you CAN do better.

Just work at it.