Thanks! Haha, yeah, I know people going all over the world - Singapore, France, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, and Germany. I don't think I would do very well in a country where the native language is not English, haha. So, for that, I am fortunate. The England exchanges at my university were extremely competitive this year - 300 applicants, and only 1.3% were selected.
Congrats to you as well. It seems like you're doing quite well for yourself. I'm sure that every newbie in a professional field initially feels unprepared. I have a feeling that will go away with time, though. You're likely a lot more prepared than you think so, at this point, the key thing to do is have confidence in yourself and the rest will follow. Even if you feel like you're unqualified/don't have enough experience, do the best you can. I have an interview in a law firm on Thursday, actually. Typically, law firms only hire students in law school already. Given that I'm only in my second year of undergrad, I'm not holding my breath. At the end of the day, though, I'm going to be confident and give it my best shot.
Wow, that sounds great. It seems like you had a great week - and have a fantastic guy on your hands. Don't let him get away

My boyfriend picked me up from class on Tuesday with flowers, chocolate, and a super nice card. He took me to the fanciest restaurant in the city, which was really nice. We spent the rest of the night watching hockey - also, nice (but our team lost so, boo). Valentine's Day doesn't have to only be one day, though, and that's what's so special about it