EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEE EEE!! I saw your Arrivals and Departures thread and I decided to say "hi" to put your theory that you don't bite to the test LOL.
Welcome to the site and it would honour me to be your first friend here. Friend request = sent

. My name is Hamed Khatiz and I am one of the normal members here

You should definitely start up your blog. A blog is essentially a massive version of a Facebook status LOL. My description sucks, but if you want, you could have a look at the blogs and some of the recent entries and comment on those and get some inspiration for your own:
This is my favorite post of all time:
And this is my favorite post I have written, I am kind of proud of it
You should totally start up and we should totally be friends

. I hope you feel the same sort of awesomeness I feel from the site and the people here
