Oh! Dance! One of the many things I wish I'd gotten around to in my past years and one of the many things I hope to do sometime within the rest of my life! (Sorry, I just finished watching Pirates of the Caribbean. Watching Jack Sparrow has a weird effect on my speech patterns) I'm doing pretty well as well, to be honest. I've got a Magic the Gathering tournament to go to on Friday and hopefully some more fun planned who knows when.
And yes, Online Path-crossing is pretty darn awesome. Gotta give credit to Laura though. She's the one who linked me to your absolutely fantastic post on Gallifreyan. I feel like a horrible whovian that I honestly thought the producers just made a bunch of pretty sci-fi symbols and called it a language. It's ridiculously awesome it can be written! I actually have a theory that Gallifreyan is spoken much like the Doctor Who intro theme, and that those "Oooohhhs" that you hear really say the original name of the Doctor. Anyway, I should get around to learning Gallifreyan at some point. Right after I learn Elvish and the Black Speech of Mordor (I've been craving to talk like an orc since The Hobbit gave us orcs actually speaking orcish. Probably the one thing I thought they actually improved upon over the original movies.)
Anyway, sorry for rambling on so much, it's almost 3 in the morning and I'm really energized for some reason! I'll talk to you later, but if for whatever reason we don't talk before then, good luck on your dance performance! I'm sure you'll do awesome