Conversation Between dylanfrmcali and Seebeyondthesurface
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 237
Pretty good nothing really. Hbu??
Was it now? haha. How was your weekend?, what did you do?
We went to Knott's for Physics day.
that sounds like a pleasant day. Awesome!! where you going?
Haha I know seriously. Pretty good I went to the gym and for once didn't have any homework because I am going on a field trip tomorrow!
haha i've come to realize i like this weather as well. i know right? just makes you wanna lay in bed. How was your day?
Haha I actually like this weather! Although it makes me feel lazy.
haha you're very welcome!! Can you believe this weather? wow what a gloomy day, it makes you wanna cry haha