Yes, yes I just might have experienced that as well. I was in 3rd grade when I first had a crush on a girl. She's 2 years older than me. In 6th grade I had her mother as a teacher. lol, i don't dare tell me friends. It would be so akward. They would be like "OMG you had a crush on Mrs. Church's daughter?" Then it would go all down hill. lol, I only have a girl crush on one famous person which is Lauren Alaina. Then I have a crush on one of my friends who is also bisexual. And then just some random other girls.

For boys, Rascal Flatts, Mr. Andrews, other random guys. I had a crush on my ex boyfriend. lol, ummm things are so different now. Then there are really nice people that you think you like, but you aren't so sure. I think that would fall under my random category. lol.