Yes, very well

We met through another girl who we were friends with. It was in study hall back in 7th grade during 4th period. Then I found out we had the biology class together. I had no friends at the time and was just starting a friendship with the other girl, who we called MK, and really wanted to be Kiki's (best friend's nickname, stands for Kiana) friend too so, even though I was a little scared to, I started talking to her and I after a little while, we did become friends. We got closer when we stop hanging out with MK at school. I felt a little bad about it, but MK wasn't really a good friend for multiple reasons (kind of a long story). Then we became lab partners in science and hanging out after school. The longer were together, the closer we got. She's a true friend and I'm so glad I met her. She still does so much for now (which, again, is a long story) and I'm so grateful for her