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Conversation Between Digit. and MGICECUBE15
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 38 of 38
    June 8th 2013 08:30 PM - permalink
    Why do I FRICKING OD on the pain killers ?

    My legs are FRICKING weak again. I have no energy to walk. :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
  2. Digit.
    June 8th 2013 08:26 PM - permalink
    Hey Meera i'm sad you OD'd
    do you wanna tell me how your feeling right now *snuggles next to you*
    I care about you and I wanna make sure your okay
  3. Digit.
    June 6th 2013 06:11 PM - permalink
    Aww i'm sorry *hugs you*

    I'm okay

    whatcha do today?
    June 6th 2013 06:09 PM - permalink
    For some reason I am so exhausted today . What bout u?
  5. Digit.
    June 6th 2013 06:02 PM - permalink
    Hey MEERA how ya feeling?
  6. Digit.
    June 5th 2013 10:04 PM - permalink
    Oh ok I might ask about it in the future so be ready

    How are you today Meera?

    *catches your love and throws mine at you*
    June 5th 2013 10:01 PM - permalink
    Hi ,
    Thanks for the lovely welcome message. Yes you can ask about my username .

    Love from MEERA x
  8. Digit.
    June 5th 2013 09:50 PM - permalink
    Hello welcome to TeenHelp
    This is a great place
    I like to refer to it as a teen sanctuary
    since your new I suggest reading this
    Hope you like it here
    There are many great people here so I think you'll get all the support you need

    NEVER hesitate to PM/VM me if you need anything

    Can I ask about your username
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