Conversation Between Digit. and cookiesamilk
Showing Visitor Messages 2641 to 2650 of 2793
Everyone loves Demi Lovato and i have yet to find out about her
Jason Mraz too
and maybe a few others but I can't remember them
Yeah, I like Taylor Swift too. She's more of a country-pop mix. She's probably the only country singer I really like. There are some that I will listen too occasionally, but I wouldn't buy their song or CD or anything
The who are pretty cool
I normally think country's okay but I like Taylor swift
Oh, then I wouldn't listen to Suicide Note. That has too many swear words for me to count.
Ooh, I like The Who
I agree about country
I don't pay much attention to rap cause I generally don't like cursing
I like rock as well
Here's Suicide Note by Kyle Spratt:
Here's Dear Diary by Mikelwj: