Conversation Between diamondstar813 and Babity
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 30
tryin to make vday plans...
what about you??
yea lol
nothing much anything new with you
haha yeah...I wish they came with better stuff tho lol
so wats new??
the wii sports and wii play aren't that bad even though they come with the system
uk..I havn't played too many
Wii olympics and Wii Cheer are fun
wbu? any favs??
yea lol
wat other wii games do u like
Ooo true that lol
I love throwing like Wii parties and being like "hey everyone come over"
it's hularious to watch people playing for the first time be like "OMG HOW DO I DO THIS lol"
I play it on wii and it is more fun with other players instead of computers
WII lol but of course lol
I love the wii
lol me 2 in wat system do u play it in