Conversation Between diamondstar813 and Babity
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 30
o ic..
i think it is. gives me sorta a purpose uk??
i dont no i really dont have time but is it fun?
Oh I'm officially back on staff. it's a good feeling lol
you ever thought about applying??
i am sorry to hear that
are u going to enter or be on staff?
well that's good to hear.
my sis is going throught a similar thing. her friend's mom died of's was sad. I didn't know the woman tho
I'm alright. thinking about doing a pagent. back on staff too 
i am trying to go through it but i think i am ok
wats up with u?
omg....I'm really sorry
Hugs <3
are you doing alright with it tho??
someone pased away who was
a friend, a role model, an inspiration, and someone who i cared for
what for?
i have no vday plans i have to spend at in a funeral