Conversation Between diamondstar813 and almostinvisible
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 68
Yeah, it's sad. The lyrics are good though. What are your favorite songs?
i no i love that song it does make u wanna cry
Yeah, they're all good. Have you heard Just a Dream by Carrie Underwood? It made me cry when I first listened to it!
ummm R&B ummm carrie underwood, kelly clarkson and Taylor Swift are the contry singers i like
Yeah, that's a good movie and so is that song! What type of music do you like?
thats good and Mulan ever since i was a kid lol i LOVE refelction the song ummm its hard to thing in the top of my head
National Treasure is my favorite. I'm not sure what else. I watch a lot of movies but that's my only favorite. What movies do you like?
yea i seen the movie but i think i will get the book and read it soon
btw anyway wat movies do u like
Yeah, it's by Nicholas Sparks. Have you seen the movie? It's good but sad.
i dont wanna sound stupid but A Walk to Remember is a book?