Conversation Between diamondstar813 and almostinvisible
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 68
Twilight, Eclipse, New Moon and then Breaking Dawn. What about you?
wats your order of likeness to dislikeness
Books 1-4: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.
Kind of. I didn't like the books very much but the movie was good.
Yeah! So, are you a fan of Twilight?
yea i no that happens to me a lot and also depends on how i am feeling that day
I have a lot! Right now I've been listening to mostly Avril Lavigne and Alexz Johnson..can't really think of anything else right now. It changes almost every day or two.
umm.. crush by david a ummm and i cant think of anything on the top of my head wat about u