Conversation Between diamondstar813 and almostinvisible
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 68
That's too bad. I hope it goes away soon!
yea me 2
its ok i just have a headace->sp right now
That's cool. It's going fine, although this Monday I'm back at school. It was nice though. How is yours?
yea i am also in spring break hows it going so far?
You're right! Not much has been going on. I'm on spring break right now, so I'm really happy about that. How about you?
Hey wats up haven't talked to u in a while
Yeah, that's a good idea. They're easier to understand that way.
i no i dont wanna see the movie until i read the books
Yeah, they're really interesting so far. It's a trilogy. The books are pretty long though. They were also made into movies too.