Haha yes I'm quite busy. I get exhausted very often, but you get used to it after awhile.
Why don't I like being at home? God... where do I start? I do not get along with my mom at all. I've been kicked out about 4 times for stupid reasons (like forgetting to empty the dishwasher by the time she got home), I've gotten my fair share of beating, I'm named-called on a daily basis, and nothing I do is ever good enough for her. She also constantly compares me to my perfect cousin Stephanie. "Why can't you be like Steph?" Steph this, Steph that... it... never... ends!!
Ok, rant is done lol.
Aw man wisdom teeth removal sucks. I was lucky that mine were coming in straight, so they didn't have to do any surgery and they were able to take all four of them out all in one sitting! I hope you get better though
