Thanks for the encouragement on my blog post, I just commented on yours too. Are you really allright or were you just being polite? your blog made it sound like you were suicidal a few days ago. If you're doing better, do you know what changed? I just friend requested you, lets be buddies! Feel free to
VM or
PM me anytime, I love helping people out & making new friends.
I think the fact that you took the time to actually read my blog is awesome, it made me feel really good, so that in itself helped! But generally just talking is helpful to me. About silly stuff, about serious stuff, about anything! I'm almost always in need of extra support. So maybe you could
VM or
PM me again and tell me some more about yourself. Who you are, what youre in to? My about me has a lot of info, but you didn't write much on yours. Feel free to ask me anything you want to know, too! Is there anything I can do for YOU?