Conversation Between craz33me and ZyBalilBOL9
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Thank you for your words of wisdom on my page. <3
Hello, my young friend. It is true that sometimes we need to be our own hero like one said. Though think of where soMething might go, before indulging yourself within it parifia. I had a friend once that sniffed paint. She was sooooo beautiful. Within six months...she died. No one or nothing is worth a possible death from a high. I know this. I've commited suicide several times, myself. Life is always hard on youth. Even when realtationships may go bad, never forget, that you are a beautiful person. Rather anyone ecknawleges it or not. And think of your future. If you're graduating Highschool you've won. And your road towards being a successful individual is underway.Don't allow a drug to riun what you could become. Cause huffing, sniffing AAANYthing for pep, is destructive, physically, and mentally.